The Trademarks and Patents Office of the Principality of Andorra ( OMPA ) was created in 1995 to manage the activities of the Trademark Registry .
Subsequently, in 1998, the Service of State Signs was created, attached to the OMPA, with the aim of ensuring the correct public use of these symbols.
The protection of distinctive signs that allow products or services to be differentiated, in addition to constituting one of the most valuable assets of a company’s or an individual’s heritage, is a guarantee of differentiation of qualities that interests its creator, the its owner and the consumer.
The important commercial and service activity of the Principality of Andorra necessitated the approval of the Trademark Law of May 11, 1995, which defines the conditions for protection and acquisition of the right to the trademark , the registration procedures, renewal, resignation, nullity, revocation and expiration, the appropriate judicial actions in defense of the legitimate holders, granting the necessary legal security, both to nationals and foreigners.
Aleix Lawyers offers you assistance in submitting the corresponding application for the grant of a patent before the Trademark Office and Andorran Patents and, once the concession has been obtained, to carry out the registration.
The patent is a legal instrument that gives its holder an exclusive right to exploit their invention, materially rewarding their enormous creative effort.
Likewise, it contributes to the profitability of the capital invested in this inventive process, constituting an ideal tool to favor the birth and consolidation of these innovative activities.
New inventions, from all technological fields, that involve inventive activity and are susceptible to industrial application are patentable. The subject of an invention protected by a patent can be a product or a process.
Innovative activities, research, investigation and development provide high added value and have a positive impact on the competitiveness of the Principality of Andorra.
Our lawyers and advisers offer their services in different areas of expertise: Andorran law (see branches of law), economics in general and, in particular, in the field of tax advice.
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